Care Committee
Please keep our Care Committee Chair, Kari Sprecher, informed about members who are ill, undergoing surgery, recuperating, or homebound for an extensive period. She will send them best wishes from the lodge as a whole.
Our members care about each other and like to reach out to their friends who may need a little sunshine in their lives.
Contact Kari at
Leaders Needed
We have had the following activities in the past and would like to have them in the future. Are you interested? Contact Dave Brown
Cooking and Baking
Music Appreciation
Norwegian conversation
Until we can resume weekly in-person language classes at Norway House, our intermediate and advanced students meet by Zoom for informal conversation most Wednesdays from 6:30 to 8 PM.
If you’d like to participate, please email
Other options are:
• NOVA-Norsk Meetup Group meets once a month for a virtual norsk happy hour. Join the group to receive meeting notices: -Group.
• The Nordic Language Meetup Group, sponsored by the American Scandinavian Association, meets monthly.
• Duolingo Meetups and Chats
Sports and Fitness Program
This program brings a bit of Norwegian tradition to its members by encouraging everyone to participate in activities that will improve their health and well-bein in ways that suit each individual.
The Sons of Norway Sports Medal Brochure outlines options for earning medals in Walking, Skiing, Biking and as a Generalist. Email our Sports Director, he will provide you with the following forms via email. Recordkeeping is simplified by using the following Sons of Norway forms:
Gangmerke (Walking) Record
Skimerke (Skiing) Record
Sykkelmerke (Biking) Record
Idrettsmerke (Sports and (Fitness) Record
Contact Greg Overbo for more information.